It's a beautiful world.
No, not the one we live in. The one we live in is full of death, disease, despair, and depression. It's rank with heartache. No, the world we live in is not beautiful, but I will create a world for you, dear, a world that we can live in happily.
I can see it now. In fact, I am there now.
There is no life, no civilization, nothing.There is only rolling fields of the purest green, trees in full bloom. Towering mountains dominate the land. The sea is gentle, never swelling, never rough. The sun is covered by clouds of all hues, and of all colors. The sky is red, no, now it's orange and yellow, now it's purple. At night thousands of stars lend their light to a dark land. The moon is always full and it's face reminds me of you. There are thousands and hundreds of animals. All types, but all gentle.
But I am alone.
I am left alone in my world, to run and dance through the fields and meadows, to leap off the huge cliffs, and embrace the warmth of the ocean. I am alone to enjoy the coolness of the crisp night. I am alone to spin under the sun until I collapse. I am left alone to rule this veritable paradise, but I AM alone.
Will you join me?
Will you accompany me through the fields and meadows? Will you join me in my blessed Kingdom of Beauty? It's so simple. All it takes is love and a little bit of insanity. Take my hand, please. Come with me, follow me. My heart beckons you, do not break it. For if you break my heart, you destroy my world.
My beautiful world.
My Kingdom of Beauty.
My insanity.
June 6, 2009 at 12:45 PM
Your beautiful world sounds like the environmentalist Zion. A wild world, empty of people, save the last remaining environmentalist.
June 7, 2009 at 11:19 PM
Erm, Not what I was going for. It's figurative/symbolic/metaphorical. Definitely doesn't involve environmentalists.
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